Lancer Tactical M4 skin Lancer Tactical

Made in France by Airsoft Skin Zone for Lancer Tactical

Référence : SKIN02 SKIN03

Calendred polymer adhesive covered type with a plasticization protecting from UV and scratches.

Usually used for vehicle marking, AirsoftSkinZone adhesives offer optimum lifetime

Specially designed for the Lancer Tactical LT-02 and LT-03 AEG, these kits cover:

  • Crane stock
  • Upper & lower receiver
  • Handguard


Clean your replica using an alcoholic product before any installation, it's essential. A heat gun or a hair dryer will be necessary for the installation of your Skin

SKU Designation French Law MSRP
SKU SKIN02 Designation SHARK French Law Vente libre MSRP
40.10 € incl. tax
30.08 € incl. tax
SKU SKIN03 Designation GEOMETRIC French Law Vente libre MSRP
40.10 € incl. tax
30.08 € incl. tax
Pictures are not contractual. Photos of product may be different with the final products.